Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans” says John Lennon. 2019-2020 Spring semester started with nothing unusual and within just few months we found ourselves in an inevitable and even irreversible course of global events with a number of challenges academically, professionally, socially, and even psychologically. Pushing and overcoming the challenges of online education and digital possibilities in design was just one but most memorable of them, which both our students and our academic and administrative staff deserve the best of congratulations. I am personally honored to have been sharing this unique experience since its beginnings more than 15 years ago. Any university, any department with most and even the best of the facilities, staff, and offerings can only be considered to be half. I must say that the other half, complementing a qualitative whole are qualified students. Looking at our graduates one by one, I see professionally equipped high quality personalities who will continue to contribute to our vision of becoming one of the most prestigious centers in the world in terms of design education, design research, and design practice with their future successes. We shared many moments of glory including the historic global covid-19 pandemic health crisis with these graduates of 2020. While congratulating and extending my best wishes to all, I’d like to remind them that İzmir University of Economics, Department of Industrial Design will ever stay as their permanent address. Have a nice personal and professional life.
Asst. Prof. Dr. A. Can ÖZCAN Department Head of Industrial Design

Anıl Dinç Demirbilek

Aylin Paçacı

Belfin Demirtaş

Beste Çiçek

Burcu Bolelli

Büşra Kavas

Deniz Özdemir

Ece Öztürk

Ecem Aykaş

İrem Sevim Arlı

Kardelen Kırım

Merve Taşoğlu

Miray Algın

Oğul Yenilmez

Özge İlhan

Selin İshakoğlu

Sevinç Can Şumlu

Sezin Gediz Ün

Sıla İşlek

Sıla Taşoğlu

Süleyman Kul

Ulvi Arda Alpdoğan

Umay Deniz Çoban

Zeynep Pasinli